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New website!

Well, it's been 'waiting in the wings' for some time now - not so much in terms of protracted and meticulous development (rather considerable postponement owing to the commitments of living and studying in two geographically distant locations for the last 8 months or so...) - but I thought it was about time the long-overdue successor to my cobbled-together Google website made its entrance!

My Wordpress blog is still my main blogging site for the moment, although I am endeavouring to find a means of merging it seamlessly into this new site. Meanwhile, please do mosey on over there if you have the time - I shall try and post 'alerts' here on occasions when I have managed to upload more than a hurried Illustration Friday doodle (although that is likely to be the staple content of blog posts for a week or two...).

There is every possibility that, over the coming weeks, the site will undergo some tweaks/transformations as I learn a little more about the 'construction' software but, meanwhile, I hope you will enjoy having a little nosy around, rifling through the (admittedly limited) portfolio images and even dashing off a little note of feedback via my Contact page, should you feel so inclined. I welcome your thoughts!

Thanks for dropping by!

P.S. The little fella in the image that features alongside this post represents one of many monoprint-plus-digital-fumbling experiments conducted during the Diploma Project stage of the MA. As is evidenced here a still have A LOT to learn about the capabilities and deployment of Photoshop's myriad instruments of digital magic, but this character was one of my favourites from the fuzzy doodles of an afternoon's nonprinting, so it felt right to introduce him here :)

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